Rigid bag filters RP


These compact high efficiency filters are constructed by microfiberglass media formed into mini-pleats which are separated by continuous thermoplastic wires. The mini-pleat packs form rigid V-shaped bags or dihedrons sealed within end panels and support frame. Both cell sides and frame are made in plastic, ensuring the complete possibility to incinerate exhaust filters.


They are used in air treatment units and ventilation plants either as final filters or as pre filters to absolute ones. No fibres are lost by the media, so these filters are particularly well suited for applications like food processing and pharmaceutical production. RP filters are ideal for use in VAV (Variable Air Volume) systems and everywhere there are discontinuity in air flow.


four types are available: RP65, RP85, RP95 and RP99 The following table shows their filtration class according to EN 779:2012 and the nominal capacities with the pertaining initial resistance for the standard sizes.

dimensions [mm] capacity [m3/h] initial pressure drop
RP65 RP85 RP95 RP99
595 x 595 x 292 4250 105 Pa 125 Pa 150 Pa 160 Pa
490 x 595 x 292 3400
289 x 595 x 292 2100
Filtration class according to EN 779:2012 M6 F7 F8 F9

Capacities comprised between 0% and the 125% of the nominal ones are allowed for a good working of filters. It is possible to consider, inside this range, a linear correspondence between resistance and capacity. The limit working temperature is of 90°C approx.


It is advisable to foresee a pre-filtration stage before these filters. The RP filters can be installed into proper holding frames having frontal access and usually designed to fit any possible pre-filters. It is advisable to replace these filters once having reached a resistance of 450÷500 Pa.